Ian Green – the Grit in the Oyster

On 16 April we welcomed Ian Green of the Oxford Civic Society as our lunchtime speaker. The OCS is a voluntary organisation with 900-1000 members.

Amongst other things the OCS runs OxClean, is responsible for blue plaques, runs One Works with the Ashmolean and the Oxford City Museum.  It also has an active planning group which looks at planning applications to ensure consistency with the overall Oxford plan.

The group has several talks every month and hosts walks in the summer.

Ian’s thinking is that an oyster can turn grit into a pearl, and that is the civic society – it gets under the skin of the council and if we irritate them for long enough then Oxford might be a pearl.  But joking aside, the OCS does not want to be an irritant, it wants to constructively collaborate with the council to ensure that Oxford remains a wonderful city to live in.

Current issues that the OCS is working on includes:

  1. balanced transport policy.
  2. campaigning for an Oxfordshire spacial plan
  3. the development of 80 hectares at various sites in West Oxford.


2018-05-08T10:45:10+00:00 April 16th, 2018|0 Comments